Privacy Policy


This privacy policy is for this website Phantom VPN and its Android app. This privacy policy governs the privacy of users who use the app and website by outlining the obligations of users, the site/app and owner. This policy explains the ways data is processed, stored and secured.

VPN Data

Information such as how much data has been sent and received from our VPN server are recorded as well as DNS lookups and logs, this is only subject to our own servers and is not linked to user accounts. Other servers such as the community servers that may be accessible in the app will go through an anonymous server in another country - these servers are retrieved from VPNGate

Link to VPNGate

User information

User information such as a user's device ID, email and password is collected. This is information needed for the application to function and helps with security, the information will never be shared with any third party and will be kept confidential.

By using Phantom VPN's services you agree that you consent to this privacy policy and any changes made to it in the future.

Privacy policy changes

You agree that Phantom VPN will be able to change this privacy policy at any time without given notice to its users. An email will be sent out to Phantom VPN users to notify them about privacy policy changes.


Phantom VPN will be happy to take any feedback that can be used to improve its services.